Learning Stories
A huge amount of learning happens every day at Tamariki School. It is diverse, often spontaneous, and can happen in any place within the school. To record, track, remember, and celebrate some of this learning the school uses Storypark.
The amount of information we are able to put onto Storypark is just a snapshot of the wide variety of skills, and learning which happens at the school. See the page Types of learning stories. Staff would be needing to constantly write learning stories all day and still not capture all the learning which happens. The staff try to balance their workload with being available for the students, parents, and also capturing the learning for Storypark Memories.
Tags at the bottom of the learning stories:
As part of our intergration agreement with the govenment we are required to teach the NZ Curriculum. This is a wonderful document and it covers a wide and varied range of skills. To help us track the learning which happens at school, and which areas of the NZ Curriculum we are covering (or not covering - so we know to plan, and offer opportunities in this curriculum area) we have tags which directly relate to the learning objectives in the NZ curriculm.
You might see a tag such as H&PE Movement = this relates to a learning objective in the Health and Physical Education section of the NZ Curriculum.
Another type of tag you might see is something like NZC KC Thinking - this type of tag relates to the NZ Curriculum Key Competencies, which are considered as valuable as the NZ curriculum learning objectives.
Another type of tag which you will find could look like SC Learning Through Play. These tags relate to our school's values and our Special Character.
Finally, the last type of tag you could see would start with TeachP - these are the teaching pedegogy which teachers are needing to be mindful of in their teaching practice.
At playcentre we used different words on our learning stories.
Here is a chart showing how the different key learning areas flow through, in terminology, the education system.