Tamariki School

School Board

School Board - The Governors

The Board is a Crown entity and is responsible for the governance of the school. The role of a board member, is to ensure that Tamariki is run in the best interests of the students and the community. The Board acts to set policy guidelines and goals for the Principal and Staff and monitors progress and compliance. The government pays our teacher’s salaries directly to them and provides the Board with an operation grant and a minimal level of maintenance funding. The donations paid by school families and collected by the Society, are passed onto the Board to help fund the Special Character of the school e.g. to employ staff to ensure that we have a high adult-to-child ratio and can provide adequate supervision throughout the school, given the range of activities that can be going on at any one time.

The Board normally has seven members: 

  • Three Parent Representatives, elected by the parents every three years.
  • Two Proprietor’s Appointees, appointed by the Tamariki Society.
  • One Staff Rep is selected by the staff every three years.
  • The Principal is an ex officio member.
  • The minutes secretary also attends but is not a member of the Board.

You are welcome at all Board meetings, however only board members have speaking rights by default. 

This page was last modified on: 15 Jun 2024 05:42:44