Tamariki School

Community school camp - start of year camp

Tamariki School has several different kinds of school camps:

  1. Community-building camp ( held at the start of the school year).
  2. 9 year olds-and-up school camp (for the middle and older students at school) Usually held in the 4th term. Seeinformation about this campe here.
  3. Year 7 & 8 trip to Wellington (providing enough fundraising money has been raised by the group) This involves a trip to Parliment and is usually held every 2 years.

Community-building camp:

The purpose of this camp is to build our community.

This camp is formally part of our school’s calendar year and it is important, and valuable, to have as many families in attendance at the camp. It is for all the students and families.

This camp is crucial for the way the students from friendships and set up the groups which they will play with for the year. It is important for the new students to get to know each other, and for the current students to settle into the school dynamics.

Often we have new families starting at school and School Camp is an improtant way to welcome them and help them intergrate into the school, and to provide support with answering any questions they may have about our philosophy.

Tamariki School is a community and this camp is part of everyone contributing towards the community as a whole. This camp allow parents who ( often due to work constraints) can find it more challenging to spend time at Tamariki school and make connections with other parents/the staff/students. It is a relaxed environment where you can get to know other people, and also enjoy a few days of camping.

The new parents (and parents who find it hard to spend time at school) gain a lot from having contact with parents who have a good understanding of the Tamariki philosophy. Your contribution and support is extremely valuable.

Some general information about School Camp:

Tamariki School Camp is held at  Whitecliffs Domain.
Tamariki School Camp is a very relaxed affair. It is basically a group of families tenting together. Having said this,
·         It is part of the school year and all school rules including the meeting system are to be adhered to.
·         The purpose of the camp is for the children and adults to rekindle friendships and for strong connections to be made.  Sharing a meal or a cup of tea with another campsite is an easy way of doing this.
This camp is an  opportunity for children to experience camping; to make their own fun (without devices), with minimilistic facilities and to experience the outdoors.
It allows the children to reestablish conntections in a low-pressure environment with the kids, the staff, and other parents.
We provide a community gazebo which we invite people to come and spend time in, as a way to get to know other people.
How to get there (map in office)
Take State Highway 73 (West Coast Rd) to Darfield.  Go past the shops in Darfield till you come to a church on the left hand side.  Bangor Road is on the left just past the church and is signposted to Coalgate, Glentunnel, Mt Hutt etc (this is State highway 77). Take this road for 15 km to Glentunnel.  Go through Gelntunnel till you come to a one  lane bridge crossing a river.  Turn right just before the bridge onto Whitecliffs Road.  Follow Whitecliffs road for 3km till you come to another one lane bridge, turn right just before this bridge also onto Hartleys Rd.  Whitecliffs Domain is 300 metres along this road on the left.  If the road changes to gravel, you have gone too far.
 Please follow this like to directions on Google maps if needed. :)
Camp Facilities
Whitecliffs Domain is a public area, and there may be other people camping not associated with the school.  It has cold water, and toilets which are regularly cleaned  Please take as much of your rubbish home with you as possible as there is limited rubbish storage facilities at the Domain.   Glentunnel, has a General Store and a mechanics’ workshop.  Darfield has a supermarket, takeaways, chemist, post office etc.
There is a donation box near the toilets.
What to bring:
·         Tent, sleeping and cooking gear and food
·         Swimming gear: wetsuits are good
·         Warm clothes
·         Sunhat and sunscreen
·         Inner tubes are fun in the river
Who is Invited?
All the Tamariki Community, including past pupils and other siblings. If you wish to bring a child / teenager who is not part of the Tamariki Community you need to check this with the Principal, BEFORE camp starts.
Safety Issues
The Board of Trustees and the Principal are responsible for the safety and well-being of people who attend school camp during the official school camp dates (some families also choose to camp before/after these dates).  The Board has the responsibility to issue guidelines or impose restrictions around potentially hazardous activities, particularly those to do with fire or the river.  These guidelines/restrictions will be announced or posted up at camp and need to be respected.
The River
One of the main attractions for the children is the Selwyn River, which has a few good swimming holes, good shallows for the little ones, and a wonderful set of rapids which children go down on tubes and lilos.  These rapids can be dangerous and the practice is never to leave children unsupervised.  Parents are required to supervise their children.  Often rules about the river are discussed at the whole camp meeting at the beginning of camp
 - Health warning ... algal bloom in the river.
We are aware that often at this time of the year as the weather gets warmer, there is often a health warning in place for the Selwyn/Waikirikiri River at Whitecliffs Domain and Glentunnel, this is often lifted after a big rain and testing has been completed by Environment Canterbury (ECAN)
 There is currently a warning in place at Whitecliffs and the Board will communicate with ECAN on the status of the health warning  through out out this month and communicate information to the community.
We have also been informed that due to flooding that occurred earlier in the year, the landscape of the river has changed considerably, Some staff and Board members will be making a trip out to assess these changes and again will communicate with the community.
Fire restrictions may be in place in which case the Selwyn District Council will have signs at the Domain advising people not to light fires.  If these signs are in place they need to be adhered to. 
School rules apply
The request/meeting system still applies. Teachers are rostered on throughout camp.
If you have a problem with anybody else’s child, PLEASE use the request and meeting system.
Please don’t play radios or sound systems or sing loudly after the negotiated time set at a meeting at camp. 
No rock throwing into the river.
Please take full responsibility for any alcohol you may have.  It is against the law for children under 18 to drink alcohol.
No illegal substances. 
Please keep the speed of you car to a minimum at all times.
All bikes, lilos and tubes must be packed away at night so people don’t trip on them in the dark.
Please be reminded that if you will be bringing your Dog to camp for the first time please Talk to Di first.
introduce your dog to her at school camp
Please note it is school policy that DOGS MUST BE KEPT ON A LEASH AT ALL TIMES IN THE DOMAIN.
Dogs must be on a lead (held by an adult please) or tied up at all times, please ensure they are not able to reach other peoples tents.
Due to the Potential risk to dogs if the drink algae infected water, please read the info found at this link Whitecliffs River Algae info if you plan on bringing your dog.
Bikes are welcome at Whitecliffs, Please just remember school rules apply so helmets MUST be worn.
Please insure all bikes are picked up and put safe close to tents before dusk so they are not a tripping hazard. This also applies to Inner tubes ect,
Parent Liaisons and Staff on Duty
Staff members will be 'On Duty" using a roster system, The roster will be displayed on the toilet wall, the staff member on duty is who you should first approach should a meeting be needed.
If you have a problem with other Tamariki campers and would like support from  an experienced Tamariki parent there will be a male or a female parent available (to be advised at the camp meeting held on the first evening at camp).
There will be one or two appointed parent liaisons, Parent Liaison role is an extra support for staff if parents feel they need someone else to discuss issues that may arise, or need support to call a meeting.  Appointed parent Liaisons will be named on the Duty roster on the wall of the toilets.
This page was last modified on: 15 Jun 2024 05:37:38