Tamariki School

Info for teachers and student teachers, specialty teachers (and any interested parents)

Tamariki School is different from the typical New Zealand school. Due to this, the demands and skills required by the staff are a bit different.

It is essential that the teachers understand the school's Special Character and have read and understood the Teacher's Manual.

The school's motto is "know thyself" and this is important for the staff as well as being our aim for the students. Therefore having an understanding of who they are as a person and how they respond to others and the world, combined with the ability to be self-motivated and self-reflective are important traits for the staff at Tamariki. 

If you are a specialty teacher such as bike safety, sexual education, music etc, or an ERO reviewer, coming into the school it is important that you are aware of the Protocols for Adults in the school. Note: we do not have a designated time for interval or lunch. Students take their breaks as they require throughout the day.

Here are some key areas:

Meeting system, Importance of Play, Learning, Curriculum, Narrative Assessment, Assessment and EvaluationStrategic plan


This page was last modified on: 02 Jun 2024 12:01:35