Tamariki School

Healthy food and nutrition policy






The Board supports and encourages a healthy eating environment and culture within the school community and acknowledges that the school has a culture of freedom with regard to eating choices



It is considered that healthy food and beverage choices can enhance social and educational outcomes and support the emotional, physical and developmental needs of the child.

Children and staff spend a large proportion of their day within the school environment and policies need to reflect this and support the large variety of cultural, personal and socio-economical factors that influence food choice.



  1. To promote ongoing awareness and education for staff, students and the wider community relating to healthy food choices.

  2. To enable students to make informed decisions about nutrition by

    1. providing many opportunities for them to practice practical food preparation skills

    2. Supporting students in any efforts to access unbiased, accurate and up to date information regarding nutrition.

  3. To provide an environment that encourages and supports healthy eating

  4. To encourage students to develop their own ideas about healthy food and nutrition

  5. To encourage responsible choices which support a healthy approach to nutrition when using food for fund raising.

  6. Continue to support a water only policy within the everyday school environment.

  7. Ensure that the staff has the necessary skills to implement policy and promote healthy eating.

  8. Enable healthy discussion and the sharing of ideas throughout the school community to help students to develop the skills and attitudes to make healthy food choices.

  9. To support the culture of freedom and education with regard to eating choices.



  1. Policies regarding healthy food and nutrition should be available to the community. Staff should be familiar with food and nutrition policies and have access to information and education relating to healthy food and nutrition. Promote the sharing of healthy ideas for lunchboxes throughout the school community.


  1. Empower students to make informed decisions regarding nutrition

a. Student cooking should be seen as a creative and socially important activity and opportunities should be provided to learn practical skills relating to food preparation and education.

b. Resources and information should be provided, where desired, so that staff can support students in accessing information regarding healthy eating.

  1. Areas should be provided which are pleasant eating environments. Staff should be encouraged to model healthy eating practices. A culture of acceptance and tolerance should be developed to encompass the beliefs and cultures of the entire school community with regard to food.

  2. The educational and social environment should allow opportunities for healthy discussion, information gathering and practical exercises regarding healthy food and nutrition.

  3. Critically review the promotion of food and beverages to children through sponsored curriculum materials, advertisement, fund-raising and sponsorship.

  4. Support the drinking of water throughout the day and ensure easy access to drinkable water.

  5. Support staff in developing skills relating to healthy eating and the implementation of policy by providing continuing professional development.

  6. Regular opportunities for the school community to cook/eat together and for discussion within the school community regarding healthy eating should be supported. Family/whanau should be involved in healthy eating activities. The school community should be supported in working together to help the students to develop attitudes and skills surrounding food choice

  7. It should be acknowledged that there are many cultural, socio-economical and personal factors which influence food choice.



The sharing of food at community events and the sharing of information regarding food and nutrition is seen as an important factor in maintaining the physical and emotional needs of the community. The practice and theory of healthy eating provides important educational and social opportunities for students.


Reviewed and adopted: November 2017

Next review date: November 2020


This page was last modified on: 21 Nov 2017 20:27:14